make money online Multimedia: December 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The MPEG Standard

Finally, we come to the heart of the matter: the MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) standards. These are the main algorithms used to compress videos and have been international standards since 1993. Because movies contain both images and sound, MPEG can compress both audio and video. We have already examined audio compression and still image compression, so let us now examine video compression.
The first standard to be finalized was MPEG-1 (International Standard 11172). Its goal was to produce video-recorder-quality output (352 × 240 for NTSC) using a bit rate of 1.2 Mbps. A 352 × 240 image with 24 bits/pixel and 25 frames/sec requires 50.7 Mbps, so getting it down to 1.2 Mbps is not entirely trivial. A factor of 40 compression is needed. MPEG-1 can be transmitted over twisted pair transmission lines for modest distances. MPEG-1 is also used for storing movies on CD-ROM.
The next standard in the MPEG family was MPEG-2 (International Standard 13818), which was originally designed for compressing broadcast-quality video into 4 to 6 Mbps, so it could fit in a NTSC or PAL broadcast channel. Later, MPEG-2 was expanded to support higher resolutions, including HDTV. It is very common now, as it forms the basis for DVD and digital satellite television.
The basic principles of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 are similar, but the details are different. To a first approximation, MPEG-2 is a superset of MPEG-1, with additional features, frame formats, and encoding options. We will first discuss MPEG-1, then MPEG-2. MPEG-1 has three parts: audio, video, and system, which integrates the other two, as shown in Fig. 7-20. The audio and video encoders work independently, which raises the issue of how the two streams get synchronized at the receiver.

The JPEG Standard

A video is just a sequence of images (plus sound). If we could find a good algorithm for encoding a single image, this algorithm could be applied to each image in succession to achieve video compression. Good still image compression algorithms exist, so let us start our study of video compression there. The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) standard for compressing continuous-tone still pictures (e.g., photographs) was developed by photographic experts working under the joint auspices of ITU, ISO, and IEC, another standards body. It is important
for multimedia because, to a first approximation, the multimedia standard for moving pictures, MPEG, is just the JPEG encoding of each frame separately, plus some extra features for interframe compression and motion detection. JPEG is defined in International Standard 10918.
JPEG has four modes and many options. It is more like a shopping list than a single algorithm. For our purposes, though, only the lossy sequential mode is relevant, and that one is illustrated in Fig. 7-15. Furthermore, we will concentrate on the way JPEG is normally used to encode 24-bit RGB video images and will leave out some of the minor details for the sake of simplicity.

Digital Systems

The simplest representation of digital video is a sequence of frames, each consisting of a rectangular grid of picture elements, or pixels. Each pixel can be a single bit, to represent either black or white. The quality of such a system is similar to what you get by sending a color photograph by fax—awful. (Try it if you can; otherwise photocopy a color photograph on a copying machine that does not rasterize.)
The next step up is to use 8 bits per pixel to represent 256 gray levels. This scheme gives high-quality black-and-white video. For color video, good systems use 8 bits for each of the RGB colors, although nearly all systems mix these into composite video for transmission. While using 24 bits per pixel limits the number of colors to about 16 million, the human eye cannot even distinguish this many colors, let alone more. Digital color images are produced using three scanning beams, one per color. The geometry is the same as for the analog system of
Fig. 7-14 except that the continuous scan lines are now replaced by neat rows of
discrete pixels. To produce smooth motion, digital video, like analog video, must display at
least 25 frames/sec. However, since good-quality computer monitors often rescan
the screen from images stored in memory at 75 times per second or more, interlacing
is not needed and consequently is not normally used. Just repainting (i.e., redrawing)
the same frame three times in a row is enough to eliminate flicker. In other words, smoothness of motion is determined by the number of different images per second, whereas flicker is determined by the number of times the screen is painted per second. These two parameters are different. A still image painted at 20 frames/sec will not show jerky motion, but it will flicker because one frame will decay from the retina before the next one appears. A movie with
20 different frames per second, each of which is painted four times in a row, will
not flicker, but the motion will appear jerky.
The significance of these two parameters becomes clear when we consider the bandwidth required for transmitting digital video over a network. Current computer monitors most use the 4:3 aspect ratio so they can use inexpensive, massproduced picture tubes designed for the consumer television market. Common configurations are 1024 × 768, 1280 × 960, and 1600 × 1200. Even the smallest of these with 24 bits per pixel and 25 frames/sec needs to be fed at 472 Mbps. It would take a SONET OC-12 carrier to manage this, and running an OC-12 SONET carrier into everyone’s house is not exactly on the agenda. Doubling this rate to avoid flicker is even less attractive. A better solution is to transmit 25 frames/sec and have the computer store each one and paint it twice. Broadcast television does not use this strategy because television sets do not have memory. And even if they did have memory, analog signals cannot be stored in RAM without conversion to digital form first, which requires extra hardware. As a consequence,
interlacing is needed for broadcast television but not for digital video.

Analog Systems

To understand video, it is best to start with simple, old-fashioned black-andwhite television. To represent the two-dimensional image in front of it as a onedimensional voltage as a function of time, the camera scans an electron beam rapidly across the image and slowly down it, recording the light intensity as it goes. At the end of the scan, called a frame, the beam retraces. This intensity as a function of time is broadcast, and receivers repeat the scanning process to reconstruct the image. The exact scanning parameters vary from country to country. The system used in North and South America and Japan has 525 scan lines, a horizontal-tovertical
aspect ratio of 4:3, and 30 frames/sec. The European system has 625 scan lines, the same aspect ratio of 4:3, and 25 frames/sec. In both systems, the top few and bottom few lines are not displayed (to approximate a rectangular image on the original round CRTs). Only 483 of the 525 NTSC scan lines (and 576 of the 625 PAL/SECAM scan lines) are displayed. The beam is turned off during the vertical retrace, so many stations (especially in Europe) use this time to broadcast
TeleText (text pages containing news, weather, sports, stock prices, etc.). While 25 frames/sec is enough to capture smooth motion, at that frame rate many people, especially older ones, will perceive the image to flicker (because the old image has faded off the retina before the new one appears). Rather than increase the frame rate, which would require using more scarce bandwidth, a different approach is taken. Instead of the scan lines being displayed in order, first
all the odd scan lines are displayed, then the even ones are displayed. Each of these half frames is called a field. Experiments have shown that although people notice flicker at 25 frames/sec, they do not notice it at 50 fields/sec. This technique is called interlacing. Noninterlaced television or video is called progressive.
Note that movies run at 24 fps, but each frame is fully visible for 1/24 sec.

Comparison of H.323 and SIP

H.323 and SIP have many similarities but also some differences. Both allow two-party and multiparty calls using both computers and telephones as end points. Both support parameter negotiation, encryption, and the RTP/RTCP protocols. A summary of the similarities and differences given. Although the feature sets are similar, the two protocols differ widely in philosophy. H.323 is a typical, heavyweight, telephone-industry standard, specifying
the complete protocol stack and defining precisely what is allowed and what is forbidden. This approach leads to very well defined protocols in each layer, easing the task of interoperability. The price paid is a large, complex, and rigid standard that is difficult to adapt to future applications.
In contrast, SIP is a typical Internet protocol that works by exchanging short lines of ASCII text. It is a lightweight module that interworks well with other Internet protocols but less well with existing telephone system signaling protocols. Because the IETF model of voice over IP is highly modular, it is flexible and can be adapted to new applications easily. The downside is potential interoperability problems, although these are addressed by frequent meetings where different
implementers get together to test their systems.
Voice over IP is an up-and-coming topic. Consequently, there are several books on the subject already. A few examples are . The May/June 2002 issue of Internet Computing has several articles on this topic.

SIP—The Session Initiation Protocol

H.323 was designed by ITU. Many people in the Internet community saw it as a typical telco product: large, complex, and inflexible. Consequently, IETF set up a committee to design a simpler and more modular way to do voice over IP. The major result to date is the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), which is described in RFC 3261. This protocol describes how to set up Internet telephone calls, video conferences, and other multimedia connections. Unlike H.323, which is a complete protocol suite, SIP is a single module, but it has been designed to interwork well with existing Internet applications. For example, it defines telephone numbers as URLs, so that Web pages can contain them, allowing a click on a link to initiate a telephone call (the same way the mailto scheme allows a click on a link to bring up a program to send an e-mail message).
SIP can establish two-party sessions (ordinary telephone calls), multiparty sessions (where everyone can hear and speak), and multicast sessions (one sender, many receivers). The sessions may contain audio, video, or data, the latter being useful for multiplayer real-time games, for example. SIP just handles setup, management, and termination of sessions. Other protocols, such as RTP/RTCP, are used for data transport. SIP is an application-layer protocol and can run over UDP or TCP.
SIP supports a variety of services, including locating the callee (who may not be at his home machine) and determining the callee’s capabilities, as well as handling the mechanics of call setup and termination. In the simplest case, SIP sets up a session from the caller’s computer to the callee’s computer, so we will examine that case first.
Telephone numbers in SIP are represented as URLs using the sip scheme, for example, for a user named Ilse at the host specified by the DNS name SIP URLs may also contain IPv4 addresses, IPv6 address, or actual telephone numbers.