One thing that was clear to everyone from the start was that if each vendor designed its own protocol stack, the system would never work. To avoid this problem, a number of interested parties got together under ITU auspices to work out standards. In 1996 ITU issued recommendation H.323 entitled ‘‘Visual Telephone Systems and Equipment for Local Area Networks Which Provide a Non- Guaranteed Quality of Service.’’ Only the telephone industry would think of such a name. The recommendation was revised in 1998, and this revised H.323 was the basis for the first widespread Internet telephony systems. H.323 is more of an architectural overview of Internet telephony than a specific protocol. It references a large number of specific protocols for speech coding, call setup, signaling, data transport, and other areas rather than specifying these things itself. The general model is depicted . At the center is a gateway that connects the Internet to the telephone network. It speaks the H.323 protocols on the Internet side and the PSTN protocols on the telephone side. The communicating devices are called terminals. A LAN may have a gatekeeper, which controls the end points under its jurisdiction, called a zone.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Voice over IP
Once upon a time, the public switched telephone system was primarily used for voice traffic with a little bit of data traffic here and there. But the data traffic grew and grew, and by 1999, the number of data bits moved equaled the number of voice bits (since voice is in PCM on the trunks, it can be measured in bits/sec).
By 2002, the volume of data traffic was an order of magnitude more than the volume of voice traffic and still growing exponentially, with voice traffic being almost flat (5% growth per year).
As a consequence of these numbers, many packet-switching network operators suddenly became interested in carrying voice over their data networks. The amount of additional bandwidth required for voice is minuscule since the packet networks are dimensioned for the data traffic. However, the average person’s phone bill is probably larger than his Internet bill, so the data network operators saw Internet telephony as a way to earn a large amount of additional money without having to put any new fiber in the ground. Thus Internet telephony (also known as voice over IP), was born.
Streaming Audio
Let us now move from the technology of digital audio to three of its network applications. Our first one is streaming audio, that is, listening to sound over the Internet. This is also called music on demand. In the next two, we will look at Internet radio and voice over IP, respectively.
The Internet is full of music Web sites, many of which list song titles that users can click on to play the songs. Some of these are free sites (e.g., new bands looking for publicity); others require payment in return for music, although these often offer some free samples as well (e.g., the first 15 seconds of a song).The process starts when the user clicks on a song. Then the browser goes into action. Step 1 is for it to establish a TCP connection to the Web server to which the song is hyperlinked. Step 2 is to send over a GET request in HTTP to request the song. Next (steps 3 and 4), the server fetches the song (which is just a file in MP3 or some other format) from the disk and sends it back to the browser. If the file is larger than the server’s memory, it may fetch and send the music a block at a time.
Using the MIME type, for example, audio/mp3, (or the file extension), the browser looks up how it is supposed to display the file. Normally, there will be a helper application such as RealOne Player, Windows Media Player, or Winamp, associated with this type of file. Since the usual way for the browser to communicate with a helper is to write the content to a scratch file, it will save the entire music file as a scratch file on the disk (step 5) first. Then it will start the media player and pass it the name of the scratch file. In step 6, the media player starts fetching and playing the music, block by block. In principle, this approach is completely correct and will play the music. The only trouble is that the entire song must be transmitted over the network before
the music starts. If the song is 4 MB (a typical size for an MP3 song) and the modem is 56 kbps, the user will be greeted by almost 10 minutes of silence while the song is being downloaded. Not all music lovers like this idea. Especially since the next song will also start with 10 minutes of download time, and the one after that as well.
The MBone—The Multicast Backbone
While all these industries are making great—and highly publicized—plans for future (inter)national digital video on demand, the Internet community has been quietly implementing its own digital multimedia system, MBone (Multicast Backbone). In this section we will give a brief overview of what it is and how it works.
MBone can be thought of as Internet television. Unlike video on demand, where the emphasis is on calling up and viewing precompressed movies stored on a server, MBone is used for broadcasting live video in digital form all over the world via the Internet. It has been operational since early 1992. Many scientific conferences, especially IETF meetings, have been broadcast, as well as newsworthy scientific events, such as space shuttle launches. A Rolling Stones concert
was once broadcast over MBone as were portions of the Cannes Film Festival. Whether this qualifies as a newsworthy scientific event is arguable. Technically, MBone is a virtual overlay network on top of the Internet. It consists of multicast-capable islands connected by tunnels,
In this figure, MBone consists of six islands, A through F, connected by seven tunnels. Each island (typically a LAN or group of interconnected LANs) supports hardware multicast to its hosts. The tunnels propagate MBone packets between the islands. Some day in the future, when all the routers are capable of handling multicast traffic directly, this superstructure will no longer be needed, but for the moment, it does the job.
Each island contains one or more special routers called mrouters (multicast routers). Some of these are actually normal routers, but most are just UNIX workstations running special user-level software (but as the root). The mrouters are logically connected by tunnels. MBone packets are encapsulated within IP packets and sent as regular unicast packets to the destination mrouter’s IP address. Tunnels are configured manually. Usually, a tunnel runs above a path for
which a physical connection exists, but this is not a requirement. If, by accident, the physical path underlying a tunnel goes down, the mrouters using the tunnel will not even notice it, since the Internet will automatically reroute all the IP traffic between them via other lines. When a new island appears and wishes to join MBone, such as G in Fig. 7-25, its administrator sends a message announcing its existence to the MBone mailing list. The administrators of nearby sites then contact him to arrange to set up tunnels. Sometimes existing tunnels are reshuffled to take advantage of the new island to optimize the topology. After all, tunnels have no physical existence. They are defined by tables in the mrouters and can be added, deleted, or moved simply by changing these tables. Typically, each country on MBone has a backbone,
with regional islands attached to it. Normally, MBone is configured with one or two tunnels crossing the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, making MBone global in scale.
The Distribution Network
The distribution network is the set of switches and lines between the source and destination. As we saw in Fig. 7-22, it consists of a backbone, connected to a local distribution network. Usually, the backbone is switched and the local distribution network is not.
The main requirement imposed on the backbone is high bandwidth. It used to be that low jitter was also a requirement, but with even the smallest PC now able to buffer 10 sec of high-quality MPEG-2 video, low jitter is not a requirement anymore.
Local distribution is highly chaotic, with different companies trying out different networks in different regions. Telephone companies, cable TV companies, and new entrants, such as power companies, are all convinced that whoever gets there first will be the big winner. Consequently, we are now seeing a proliferation of technologies being installed. In Japan, some sewer companies are in the Internet business, arguing that they have the biggest pipe of all into everyone’s house (they run an optical fiber through it, but have to be very careful about precisely where it emerges). The four main local distribution schemes for video on demand go by the acronyms ADSL, FTTC, FTTH, and HFC. We will now explain each of these in turn. ADSL is the first telephone industry’s entrant in the local distribution sweepstakes. We studied ADSL in Chap. 2 and will not repeat that material here. The idea is that virtually every house in the United States, Europe, and Japan already has a copper twisted pair going into it (for analog telephone service). If these wires could be used for video on demand, the telephone companies could clean up.
The problem, of course, is that these wires cannot support even MPEG-1 over their typical 10-km length, let alone MPEG-2. High-resolution, full-color, full motion video needs 4–8 Mbps, depending on the quality desired. ADSL is not really fast enough except for very short local loops.
The second telephone company design is FTTC (Fiber To The Curb). In FTTC, the telephone company runs optical fiber from the end office into each residential neighborhood, terminating in a device called an ONU (Optical Network Unit). On the order of 16 copper local loops can terminat e in an ONU.
These loops are now so short that it is possible to run full-duplex T1 or T2 over them, allowing MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 movies, respectively. In addition, videoconferencing for home workers and small businesses is now possible because FTTC is symmetric.
The third telephone company solution is to run fiber into everyone’s house. It is called FTTH (Fiber To The Home). In this scheme, everyone can have an OC-1, OC-3, or even higher carrier if that is required. FTTH is very expensive and will not happen for years but clearly will open a vast range of new possibilities when it finally happens. In Fig. 7-7 we saw how everybody could operate his or her own radio station. What do you think about each member of the family operating his or her own personal television station? ADSL, FTTC, and FTTH are all point-to-point local distribution networks, which is not surprising given how the current telephone system is organized.
A completely different approach is HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coax), which is the preferred solution currently being installed by cable TV providers. It is illustrated in Fig. 2-47(a). The story goes something like this. The current 300- to 450-MHz coax cables are being replaced by 750-MHz coax cables, upgrading the capacity from 50 to 75 6-MHz channels to 125 6-MHz channels. Seventy-five of the 125 channels will be used for transmitting analog television.
The 50 new channels will each be modulated using QAM-256, which provides about 40 Mbps per channel, giving a total of 2 Gbps of new bandwidth. The headends will be moved deeper into the neighborhoods so that each cable runs past only 500 houses. Simple division shows that each house can then be allocated a dedicated 4-Mbps channel, which can handle an MPEG-2 movie.
While this sounds wonderful, it does require the cable providers to replace all the existing cables with 750-MHz coax, install new headends, and remove all the one-way amplifiers—in short, replace the entire cable TV system. Consequently, the amount of new infrastructure here is comparable to what the telephone companies need for FTTC. In both cases the local network provider has to run fiber into residential neighborhoods. Again, in both cases, the fiber terminates at an optoelectrical converter. In FTTC, the final segment is a point-to-point local loop using twisted pairs. In HFC, the final segment is a shared coaxial cable. Technically, these two systems are not really as different as their respective proponents often make out.
Video on Demand
Video on demand is sometimes compared to an electronic video rental store. The user (customer) selects any one of a large number of available videos and takes it home to view. Only with video on demand, the selection is made at home using the television set’s remote control, and the video starts immediately. No trip to the store is needed. Needless to say, implementing video on demand is a wee bit more complicated than describing it. In this section, we will give an overview of the basic ideas and their implementation.
Is video on demand really like renting a video, or is it more like picking a movie to watch from a 500-channel cable system? The answer has important technical implications. In particular, video rental users are used to the idea of being able to stop a video, make a quick trip to the kitchen or bathroom, and then resume from where the video stopped. Television viewers do not expect to put programs on pause.
If video on demand is going to compete successfully with video rental stores, it may be necessary to allow users to stop, start, and rewind videos at will. Giving users this ability virtually forces the video provider to transmit a separate copy to each one.
On the other hand, if video on demand is seen more as advanced television, then it may be sufficient to have the video provider start each popular video, say, every 10 minutes, and run these nonstop. A user wanting to see a popular video may have to wait up to 10 minutes for it to start. Although pause/resume is not possible here, a viewer returning to the living room after a short break can switch to another channel showing the same video but 10 minutes behind. Some material will be repeated, but nothing will be missed. This scheme is called near video on demand. It offers the potential for much lower cost, because the same feed from the video server can go to many users at once. The difference between video on demand and near video on demand is similar to the difference between driving your own car and taking the bus.
Watching movies on (near) demand is but one of a vast array of potential new services possible once wideband networking is available. The general model that many people use is illustrated . Here we see a high-bandwidth (national or international) wide area backbone network at the center of the system.
Connected to it are thousands of local distribution networks, such as cable TV or telephone company distribution systems. The local distribution systems reach into people’s houses, where they terminate in set-top boxes, which are, in fact, powerful, specialized personal computers.
Video Compression
It should be obvious by now that transmitting uncompressed video is completely out of the question. The only hope is that massive compression is possible. Fortunately, a large body of research over the past few decades has led to many compression techniques and algorithms that make video transmission feasible. In this section we will study how video compression is accomplished.
All compression systems require two algorithms: one for compressing the data at the source, and another for decompressing it at the destination. In the literature, these algorithms are referred to as the encoding and decoding algorithms, respectively. We will use this terminology here, too.
These algorithms exhibit certain asymmetries that are important to understand. First, for many applications, a multimedia document, say, a movie will only be encoded once (when it is stored on the multimedia server) but will be decoded thousands of times (when it is viewed by customers). This asymmetry means that it is acceptable for the encoding algorithm to be slow and require expensive hardware provided that the decoding algorithm is fast and does not require expensive hardware. After all, the operator of a multimedia server might be quite willing to rent a parallel supercomputer for a few weeks to encode its entire video library, but requiring consumers to rent a supercomputer for 2 hours to view a video is not likely to be a big success. Many practical compression systems go to great lengths to make decoding fast and simple, even at the price of making encoding slow and complicated. On the other hand, for real-time multimedia, such as video conferencing, slow encoding is unacceptable. Encoding must happen on-the-fly, in real time. Consequently, real-time multimedia uses different algorithms or parameters than storing videos on disk, often with appreciably less compression.
A second asymmetry is that the encode/decode process need not be invertible. That is, when compressing a file, transmitting it, and then decompressing it, the user expects to get the original back, accurate down to the last bit. With multimedia, this requirement does not exist. It is usually acceptable to have the video signal after encoding and then decoding be slightly different from the original. When the decoded output is not exactly equal to the original input, the system is said to be lossy. If the input and output are identical, the system is lossless. Lossy systems are important because accepting a small amount of information loss can give a huge payoff in terms of the compression ratio possible.
Digital Systems
The simplest representation of digital video is a sequence of frames, each consisting of a rectangular grid of picture elements, or pixels. Each pixel can be a single bit, to represent either black or white. The quality of such a system is similar to what you get by sending a color photograph by fax—awful. (Try it if you can; otherwise photocopy a color photograph on a copying machine that does not rasterize.)
The next step up is to use 8 bits per pixel to represent 256 gray levels. This scheme gives high-quality black-and-white video. For color video, good systems use 8 bits for each of the RGB colors, although nearly all systems mix these into composite video for transmission. While using 24 bits per pixel limits the number of colors to about 16 million, the human eye cannot even distinguish this many colors, let alone more. Digital color images are produced using three scanning beams, one per color. The geometry is the same as for the analog system of
Fig. 7-14 except that the continuous scan lines are now replaced by neat rows of
discrete pixels. To produce smooth motion, digital video, like analog video, must display at least 25 frames/sec. However, since good-quality computer monitors often rescan the screen from images stored in memory at 75 times per second or more, interlacing is not needed and consequently is not normally used. Just repainting (i.e., redrawing) the same frame three times in a row is enough to eliminate flicker.
In other words, smoothness of motion is determined by the number of different images per second, whereas flicker is determined by the number of times the screen is painted per second. These two parameters are different. A still image painted at 20 frames/sec will not show jerky motion, but it will flicker because one frame will decay from the retina before the next one appears. A movie with 20 different frames per second, each of which is painted four times in a row, will not flicker, but the motion will appear jerky.
The significance of these two parameters becomes clear when we consider the bandwidth required for transmitting digital video over a network. Current computer monitors most use the 4:3 aspect ratio so they can use inexpensive, massproduced picture tubes designed for the consumer television market. Common configurations are 1024 × 768, 1280 × 960, and 1600 × 1200. Even the smallest of these with 24 bits per pixel and 25 frames/sec needs to be fed at 472 Mbps. It would take a SONET OC-12 carrier to manage this, and running an OC-12 SONET carrier into everyone’s house is not exactly on the agenda. Doubling this rate to avoid flicker is even less attractive. A better solution is to transmit 25 frames/sec and have the computer store each one and paint it twice. Broadcast television does not use this strategy because television sets do not have memory.
And even if they did have memory, analog signals cannot be stored in RAM without conversion to digital form first, which requires extra hardware. As a consequence, interlacing is needed for broadcast television but not for digital video.
Internet Radio
Once it became possible to stream audio over the Internet, commercial radio stations got the idea of broadcasting their content over the Internet as well as over the air. Not so long after that, college radio stations started putting their signal out over the Internet. Then college students started their own radio stations. With current technology, virtually anyone can start a radio station. The whole area of Internet radio is very new and in a state of flux, but it is worth saying a little bit about.
There are two general approaches to Internet radio. In the first one, the programs are prerecorded and stored on disk. Listeners can connect to the radio station’s archives and pull up any program and download it for listening. In fact, this is exactly the same as the streaming audio we just discussed. It is also possible to store each program just after it is broadcast live, so the archive is only running, say, half an hour, or less behind the live feed. The advantages of this approach are that it is easy to do, all the techniques we have discussed work here too, and listeners can pick and choose among all the programs in the archive. The other approach is to broadcast live over the Internet. Some stations broadcast over the air and over the Internet simultaneously, but there are increasingly many radio stations that are Internet only. Some of the techniques that are applicable to streaming audio are also applicable to live Internet radio, but there are also some key differences.
One point that is the same is the need for buffering on the user side to smooth out jitter. By collecting 10 or 15 seconds worth of radio before starting the playback, the audio can be kept going smoothly even in the face of substantial jitter over the network. As long as all the packets arrive before they are needed, it does not matter when they arrived.
One key difference is that streaming audio can be pushed out at a rate greater than the playback rate since the receiver can stop it when the high-water mark is hit. Potentially, this gives it the time to retransmit lost packets, although this strategy is not commonly used. In contrast, live radio is always broadcast at exactly the rate it is generated and played back.
Audio Compression
CD-quality audio requires a transmission bandwidth of 1.411 Mbps, as we just saw. Clearly, substantial compression is needed to make transmission over the Internet practical. For this reason, various audio compression algorithms have been developed. Probably the most popular one is MPEG audio, which has three layers (variants), of which MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) is the most powerful and best known. Large amounts of music in MP3 format are available on the Internet, not all of it legal, which has resulted in numerous lawsuits from the artists and copyright owners. MP3 belongs to the audio portion of the MPEG video compression standard. We will discuss video compression later in this chapter; let us look at audio compression now.
Audio compression can be done in one of two ways. In waveform coding the signal is transformed mathematically by a Fourier transform into its frequency components. The amplitude of each component is then encoded in a minimal way.The goal is to reproduce the waveform accurately at the other end in as few bits as possible.
The other way, perceptual coding, exploits certain flaws in the human auditory system to encode a signal in such a way that it sounds the same to a human listener, even if it looks quite different on an oscilloscope. Perceptual coding is based on the science of psychoacoustics—how people perceive sound. MP3 is based on perceptual coding.
The key property of perceptual coding is that some sounds can mask other sounds. Imagine you are broadcasting a live flute concert on a warm summer day. Then all of a sudden, a crew of workmen nearby turn on their jackhammers and start tearing up the street. No one can hear the flute any more. Its sounds have been masked by the jackhammers. For transmission purposes, it is now sufficient to encode just the frequency band used by the jackhammers because the listeners cannot hear the flute anyway. This is called frequency masking—the ability of a loud sound in one frequency band to hide a softer sound in another frequency band that would have been audible in the absence of the loud sound. In fact, even after the jackhammers stop, the flute will be inaudible for a short period of time because the ear turns down its gain when they start and it takes a finite time to turn it up again. This effect is called temporal masking.
To make these effects more quantitative, imagine experiment 1. A person in a quiet room puts on headphones connected to a computer’s sound card. The computer generates a pure sine wave at 100 Hz at low, but gradually increasing power. The person is instructed to strike a key when she hears the tone. The computer records the current power level and then repeats the experiment at 200 Hz, 300 Hz, and all the other frequencies up to the limit of human hearing. When averaged over many people, a log-log graph of how much power it takes for a tone to
be audible looks like that of Fig. 7-2(a). A direct consequence of this curve is that it is never necessary to encode any frequencies whose power falls below the threshold of audibility. For example, if the power at 100 Hz were 20 could be omitted from the output with no perceptible loss of quality because 20 dB at 100 Hz falls below the level of audibility.
Now consider Experiment 2. The computer runs experiment 1 again, but this time with a constant-amplitude sine wave at, say, 150 Hz, superimposed on the test frequency. What we discover is that the threshold of audibility for frequencies near 150 Hz is raised The consequence of this new observation is that by keeping track of which signals are being masked by more powerful signals in nearby frequency bands, we can omit more and more frequencies in the encoded signal, saving bits. it is completely omitted from the output and no one will be able to hear the difference. Even after a powerful signal stops in some frequency band, knowledge of its temporal masking properties allow us to continue to omit the masked frequencies for some time interval as the ear recovers. The essence of MP3 is to Fourier-transform the sound to get the power at each frequency and then transmit only the unmasked frequencies, encoding these in as few bits as possible.
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